Date to be announced soon

Contact us to request this course for your own organization

Through evidence-based and tried-out knowledge, this high-quality two-day course teaches you:

1) How to practice life-leadership with the positive effect of living a harmonious life while reaching your goals

2) How to collaborate successfully across professions/departments and

3) How to build collaborative advantage partnerships with internal and external stakeholders as a strategy for success

The course is based on a strong theoretical foundation translated into practical guidelines. It is specifically designed to positively increase both your short-term and long-term levels of success. It is the course you wish you were offered years ago!

Step-by-step you learn about the necessary reflections for taking control of your own life. You are given the tools and insight for creating positive work relations across professions and departments. Moreover, you learn to plan for loyal customer/client engagement and build partnerships with internal and external stakeholders providing you unforeseen value; a value which could not have been achieved alone.

Collaborative-Advantage-Paul-SkinnerWe are extremely proud to have engaged the talented London-based author Paul Skinner to join Dr. Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard as our course instructors. Skinner is the author of Collaborative Advantage Partnership: How Collaboration beats Competition as a Strategy for Success.

This is an intense two-day course for a small group with a specific focus on translating learning into real-life success. We expect you to be motivated to make some positive changes and increase your success rate.


Day 1 – Morning Session: Master Life-Leadership and live a Harmonious Life

Leadership is key to organizations, yet when it comes to leadership of our own lives, we tend to be less focused. To accomplish your goals and live a harmonious life –  you need to understand the building blocks of your life-foundation. When in place, anything on top of it will find solid ground for growth. Participants are known to find huge immediate benefits in this knowledge as applied to their daily lives.

By life-leadership, we refer to taking leadership of your own life and not self-management as an alternative to leadership by a superior. We guide you to a deeper understanding of your core values, to live in accordance with values, translate intentions into action, make lasting change actions, increase your sense of self-worth and much more.

Ultimately, life-leadership will make you a more socially generous, likable, trustworthy, and harmonious person for the benefit of yourself and the people around you.


  • What is life-leadership and how to practice it successfully
  • How to identify core values and live accordingly
  • How to live in harmony with self and others
  • How to turn personal intention into action and reach goals
  • What actually drives change
  • How to be understood and understand others better

Day 1  Afternoon: Collaborate Across Departments, Functions, and Professions

Collaborating with people of other professions, from other teams, departments,  functions, or units is a challenge. Yet, when you understand the different dominant logics that are accumulated over time through action, education, and experience, then you realize, how it is possible to view multiple perspectives simultaneously and gather the best from all views to unite actionable strategies, innovations, and doings.

Understanding the barriers to collaboration is a powerful tool for increasing collaboration, knowledge sharing, innovation and work satisfaction across your organization.


  • What are dominant logics and how do they influence behavior and steer organizations
  • How to break down barriers for collaboration across functions, departments, and professions
  • How to communicate and increase knowledge sharing across departments and professions
  • Why the ‘path of least resistance‘ is a costly road to walk
  • Why management of emotions beats management of meaning and management of decisions as a successful route to strategy implementation

Day 2 – Create Collaborative Advantage through Valuable Partnerships

By building Collaborative Advantage and new partnerships you achieve a new level of success by bringing the outside world value into your organization.

Traditional ‘competitive’, rather than collaborative – models of business influence our thinking on strategy and hold us back.

On this second day of the course, we dive more deeply into the idea of Collaborative Advantage: why it is a better goal for business; how is it be created; and what does it enable you to achieve in practice.  We will clarify the connection between vision, mission, brand identity, brand agenda, and purpose. You will understand and learn to apply the Outside-In-framework to increase business value by involving all stakeholders inside and outside the business in maximizing Collaborative Advantage in pursuit of a common purpose. Moreover, you’ll get a chance to relate the concept to your own work and to get a clear picture of the steps forward for you.

DAY 2: COURSE OUTCOMES – You will learn:

  • How to formulate an actionable vision and mission statement in line with a clear purpose
  • How to translate your brand identity into a brand agenda with a clear message that will unite people inside and outside your organization
  • How to build loyalty and increase customer/client/student engagement and participation
  • How to increase your revenue through valuable partnerships as an agenda for success – a success not possible to build alone

Course Instructors: Paul Skinner and Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, PhD



We are extremely proud to engage London-based Paul Skinner, who holds distinctive know-how about building Collaborative Advantage. Paul is an author, Director, Founder, Board Member, and Honorary Fellow at Edge Hill University. He is an expert on ‘leading with a purpose’ and winner of Chartered Institute of Marketing Consultant of the Year 2014 and 2016.

In the summer of 2018, Paul Skinner released his insightful book: Collaborative Advantage: How collaboration beats competition as a strategy for success. This book is an extraordinary read and highly recommendable.

All course participants will receive a signed copy. Since the book launch, Paul has tirelessly traveled Europe and beyond to speak about Collaborative Advantage. We are extremely pleased to welcome Paul in Aarhus.


Self-leadership collaboration collaborative advantage Vibeke-Vad-Baunsgaard

Dr. Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard is an honorable research associate at the University of Technology, Sydney. She is the CEO and editor-in-chief at ManageMagazine – the global online leadership and management magazine, which you are visiting right now.

She holds a Ph.D. in Organization Studies and Innovation Management from Copenhagen Business School; a degree in sociology from the University of Copenhagen, and her research is published in some of the world’s most distinguished management journals, including Organization Studies. Vibeke is thereto a speaker and a member of Advisory Boards.


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