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Understanding Power and Rationality
Power Has a Rationality that Rationality Does Not Know
"A person who neglects what is actually done for what should be done learns the way to...
The Law of Leadership
Authored by Andre van Heerden
Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end,...
The Measure of a Leader
Authored by Andre van Heerden
Whether or not we can have justified confidence in our philosophical claims in politics and ethics depends in part on...
The Story of Leadership
Authored by Andre van Heerden
It is through hearing stories about wicked stepmothers, lost children, good but misguided kings, wolves that suckle twin boys, youngest...
Disenchanted in Babel – Modernity & the Demise of Leadership
Authored by Andre van Heerden
A proper story…is the expression of some unchanging human predicament; as a Highland lament, composed to reconcile a passionate people...
What is Autonomy in the Workplace? 3 Common Myths about Worker Autonomy
Do you take a special interest in leadership? This text is a follow-up from a ManageMagazine-article I wrote back in 2016 on how to...
The Futures of Strategic Management
All ideas, all practices, have roots that flourish in a particular ecology, a particular intellectual and practical terroir. Strategy is no different.
Strategy and strategic...
“I Think; Therefore, I Am… A Leader?”
Authored by Andre van Heerden
How shall we orient ourselves in the social and political world? In what way can we best begin our inquiry? ...
Research Brief: How to Make Your Change Management Process a Massive Success
The most complex managerial role is to effectively drive the change management process in an organization.
Managers have to continuously alter their organizations to capitalize...
Mask of Money; Myth of Meaning
Growing up, my family endured constant financial hardship. It’s incredible...