Dear ManageMagazine Readers
Today ManageMagazine has been online for two full years to serve leaders and managers actionable knowledge and food-for-thought about How to Manage with Passion, Wisdom & Creativity.
It has been a fantastic year with many milestones reached and many new moonshots (goals) to follow. By looking back, we look into creating the future.
Contributors to ManageMagazine
It’s a great honor being able to publish so much actionable knowledge, always with the intention of providing a fuller understanding of what is going on ‘under the hood’ of organizations and providing tips, tools, and guidelines for implementing successful changes.
This is only possible due to our long list of contributing authors and amazing partners, who evaluate the success of their knowledge by the impact it creates.
From the ManageMagazine team to all authors, please receive our heartfelt gratitude and words of thanks. You make it all happen. Specifically, your hard creative work makes ManageMagazine rank very high among global leadership and management magazines – surely not in terms of quantity of publications, but rather in terms of high-quality content.
ManageMagazine Co-Creative Partnerships
At ManageMagazine, we are particularly proud to have engaged new Co-Creative Partnerships with outstanding organizations and individuals of great passion, wisdom, and creativity.
The Project Leadership Institute in the Netherlands, run by Susanne Madsen, Bart Hoitink, and Jivan Schuurmans, is an outstanding example of what happens when you gather people who are driven by a vision for a greater future and possesses the skills to execute plans for reaching it.
What’s more, partnering with the award-winning BIZCATALYST360 and editor-in-chief Dennis Pitocco – operating out of Tampa Bay, Florida – is a true honor. Dennis Pitocco is another great example of a truly great individual living out dreams of creating a new and brighter future for the many.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dennis Pitocco and his team on their new non-profit adventure GOODWORKS 360°, which has recently launched. Another beautiful and purposeful venture coming from the 360 group. They deliver mission-critical pro bono services to deserving non-profits around the world. Please go and have a look.
In Spring 2019 – We invite you to Yet Another Henry Mintzberg Event
In May 2018 we had a fantastic event in Copenhagen with Henry Mintzberg, thanks to the outstanding collaboration with our Co-Creative Partner – Henry Mintzberg’s family business, CoachingOurselves.
We co-branded this event in great partnership with Hildebrandt & Brandi and prestigious national business papers visited to report from Henry Mintzberg’s talk about Re-Balancing Society.
We are extremely proud that Henry Mintzberg and CoachingOurselves have asked ManageMagazine to host yet another event in Denmark in the spring of 2019, following up on the success of 2018.
We’ll keep you posted on this event and if you are in the area you will have a chance to come by. As of now, we’re in the process of talking to interested co-creative partners, co-branders, and sponsors for this upcoming Mintzberg event so feel free to contact me at if this is interesting for you and your organization.
More Events from ManageMagazine
Our vision is to create inspiring, healthy, and prosperous organizations of tomorrow and our mission is delivering the information needed to accomplish the specific creation of healthy organizations built out of passion, wisdom, and creativity.
So – in the spirit of these thoughts, we are launching our first events to facilitate leaders and managers on the journey of improving businesses, non-profits, and government institutions.
Everything has a beginning, and the beginning of MM Events starts out in Aarhus, Denmark.
During 2019, events will be held in major cities in Europe to the extent possible. We want as many as possible readers – whether ManageMagazine members and others interested – to be able to gain knowledge from these events, so they can bring it home to create greater organizations.
Here’s a couple of examples of what’s on in the near future:
Workshop: Making Collaboration your Greatest Advantage
In collaboration with Paul Skinner, we invite you to join us in Aarhus the 5-6th of December for our first 2-day workshop: Making Collaboration Your Greatest Advantage.
Paul and I will host the workshop together therein our work suits each other extremely well for making a real difference for a group of participants.
In June, Paul Skinner published his extraordinary book: The Collaborative Advantage: How collaboration beats competition as a strategy for success. My own research is about identifying dominant logics and breaking down barriers of collaboration.
Together we’ll talk about creating collaborative advantages and provide tools and frameworks for understanding how to avoid barriers to collaboration so strategy becomes reality and so dreams have result an impact.
Workshop Design Thinking: How to Design a Company Culture
We are excited to invite you to a 1-day workshop about Design Thinking with Professor Tyrone Pitsis from Durham University. The workshop takes place in the spring of 2019 also in Aarhus. We’ll keep you posted on this event also.
Partnership & Collaboration Festival 2019
One of my dreams for the Fall of 2019 is to host a festival about Partnerships and Collaboration. We deliberately call it a festival and not a conference, as we are looking to give participants ‘mind-bites’ of cultural input throughout the festival.
These ‘mind-bites’ will make for a more cheerful learning process while ensuring new ways of ‘clearing one’s head’ shaking off information overload.
We’ll find a groovy setting to replace the well known dusty hotel carpets with a rustic urban environment. Invited are then musicians and theatre groups to help create a fun and engaging festival. A festival that, however, will not lack serious and actionable knowledge presented in a lively and engaging fashion.
Stay tuned for more on our Partnership & Collaboration festival. If you sign-up for our newsletter, the MM Post, then you are sure to be notified about this festival in due time.
Thank You for Your Support
Finally, I want to say THANK YOU for your support along the journey of building a magazine with a focus on sharing actionable knowledge with leaders and managers.
Thank you for reading ManageMagazine. Thank you for sharing our articles with friends and colleagues, for commenting on articles, and for being part of our community and so much more.
We couldn’t do it without you.
Please contact me if you have ideas about how ManageMagazine can better facilitate you as a decision maker. Also write to me if you have topic suggestions for future articles or other things, which we haven’t thought of. Your feedback is extremely valuable to me.
Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, PhD
CEO at ManageMagazine
Thank you, Dennis, for your kind words – to you and your team. It has been an amazing two years and we are much looking forward to the ones to come. So happy to be on this journey together. GOODWORKS is off to a flying start and no doubt many great things will come out of this adventure during the coming years. Thank you for creating the opportunity to be part of it. Congratulations.
Congrats on your amazing evolution over the past 2 years, Vibeke! On behalf of the entire global BizCatalyst 360° Team, we are honored to partner with you! Stay the course – your are doing great things and making a difference!