Introducing the Advisory Board of ManageMagazine
Dear readers of ManageMagazine (MM), thank you for becoming part of this great initiative. My name is Tyrone Pitsis. I am a Professor at the University of York; Chair of Strategic Management, and a Doctoral Researcher at Cambridge University.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. My major interests are Strategy, Creativity, and Design Thinking. I love art, and especially dance, and I cannot imagine life without music and the sea.
Dear readers of ManageMagazine. I am Tim Cummins, CEO of IACCM: the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management. Through IACCM, I work across corporate, public and academic platforms to support awareness and understanding of the role that procurement, contracting, and relationship management increasingly play in 21st-century business performance and public policy. I started IACCM in 1999 and today we are 38.554 individual members and 15.807 corporations across 164 countries. Moreover, I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and I have an interest in history, politics, and drama.
My name is Stewart Clegg. I am an Emeritus Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and a professor of the School of Project Management at the University of Sydney. I am a Fellow of several respected academic bodies, including the Academy of Management, the Australian Academy of Social Science, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management the British Academy of The Social Sciences, and the Aston Society of Fellows. Moreover, I am a Visiting Professor at Nova School of Economics and Business Lisbon, Portugal, and a Strategic Research Adviser at Newcastle University Business School, UK. My main interest in all my studies is Power Relations. I love jazz and many other kinds of music.
Hello, Readers of ManageMagazine. I’m James Hardy and I am Director of CCS Media, where I hold the board-level responsibility for Vendor Alliances, Marketing, and Technology Revenue. I work with some of the world’s leading technology manufacturers, strategically developing and delivering marketing-led organizational technology (Cloud, Software, Networking, and Hardware) revenue through alliance programs. I also sit on the advisory board for AIMTech (Adoption of Information Management Technology).
After completing my MBA at the University of Leeds I am currently a Doctoral Researcher, developing my interests in Leadership Approach, Co-creation of Value, and Positive Governance. I love music, literature, and travel, most importantly I find people and places endlessly fascinating.
Dear Readers of ManageMagazine. I am Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, Founder, and CEO of ManageMagazine. I hold a Ph.D. in Organization Studies and Innovation Management from Copenhagen Business School and a prior Honorary Research Associate at The University of Technology, Sydney for six years. ManageMagazine aligns my sense of purpose with my personality in many ways and allows me to explore ways to create healthy and prosperous work environments for all of us.
Discussions and boundary-free debates that move things belong to my favorite activities. If these take place over a nice dinner then even better. The world of gastronomy has always fascinated me and as an adult also the nuances of fine wines. I appreciate music across almost all genres and enjoy reading and writing fiction when possible. You can read more at my personal website
The board represents top leaders in bridging academia and practice
The Advisory Board of ManageMagazine consists of a group of distinguished professionals selected to represent leaders in bridging academia and practice. What unites us all is a keen interest in understanding and optimizing organizational practices.